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3 ways to Match!
Whether you are a parent teaching the Bible, a teacher reinforcing your curriculum's content, or a children's director boosting your program, a 3-Video / Key Song Adventure Unit will IGNITE your teaching! And with 3 searches to choose from, match to 1 of 96 Adventure Units by core Bible story, by topic/doctrine, or by chronological Bible order!
See how to match!
Ready? Let's say ...
Your Matt. 5 Bible story teaches, "Blessed are the pure in heart." (Jesus Teaches the Beatitudes). You choose HEBREWS 10:22 (draw near to God) to enter a 3-Video / Key Song Adventure Unit that also teaches us about approaching God "with a pure heart." So next, let's take a look inside ...

12 years in-the-making, this program produces:
- GROWTH - Kids grow in their faith because key Bible verses are understood in an engaging way.
- MEMORY - Kids remember key Bible truths because they are fueled by catchy, strategic songs.
- FOCUS - Kids fully understand key Bible truths as they are captured by media-driven learning.

Ms. Schwarz
"I'm an immediate fan! Bible REPLAY is deeply rooted in God's Word and our kids love it!"

Mr. Payne
"The first I've ever used that has kids genuinely excited about what each day is going to bring!"

Mrs. Henderson
"We were quickly grabbed by Dean-o's music. The videos are a GREAT way for learning Scripture!"